In the era of high stakes assessments schools are being judged on student performance and growth on assessments given by districts and states. At Hamagrael Elementary I use these assessments as only a small portion of how I evaluate how we are doing as a school. A few years ago I found an article by Melissa Kelly on the top 10 characterisitcs of a quality school. When I sit down at the mid point and end of the year to assess my school I look at the following 10 characteristics:
1) The attitude of the office staff- The actions of the office staff set the tone for the building. If the office isn't a warm, welcoming, friendly place to be this means that the school values costumer service.
2) Attidude of the Principal- A principal needs to be student centered , open ,encouraging and innovative in helping staff try new methods of instruction. A principal needs to be visable in the school and community as well.
3) Mix of new & veteran teachers- Through this mix they can both learn and grow through their understanding of building history, protocal and innovation.
4) Student-centered- You can see this when you enter the building. When a decision is made in the building it should be driven by the following: " What's best for students ? "
5) Mentoring program- Does the district and school value the importance of training new teachers to the school and district and provide them with the support they need to be successful.
6) Politics kept to a minimum- - There needs to be a collaborative environment which focuses on the academic and social growth of each child in the building.
7) Faculty is empowered and involved - The faculty should be empowered to make decisions and supported by the administration. The principal and staff are involved in the school community and attend events and programs outside the work day.
8) Teamwork amongst faculty- There should be sharing amongst teachers in their grade level and in the school. In the era of the new teacher evaluation system which can tear this apart the principla needs to be involved and work with teachers to make sure collaboration and teamwork is a priority.
9) Communication is honest and frequent- The school princiapl should provide parents and staff with weekly updates about current school and district news and events.
10) Parental involvement- It is the school's job to welcome parents and trwat them as partners in their child's education.
At the end of each month I take time to reflect on the above 10 items and make a plan on how we can improve and continue to make our school a place where children, staff and parents enjoy being at.
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